Video Channels

According to the website Statista, the countries with the largest audiences on YouTube are in this graph. The data is from 2024. Note that this audience is much higher than that of the main television networks in these countries. Do we need to talk more about the relevance of your company having a video channel? Below you can find just two of the many video channels created by Future Press. Click on the image to see the entire graphic.

Man pointing Brazilian Training and Development sign
Man pointing Brazilian Training and Development sign

Brazilian Training and Development Association

ABTD Paraná is an association focused on the people management segment. It promotes events throughout the year, with speakers from different areas and from Brazil and even abroad. We created your channel 13 years ago, with more than 120 videos and a spectacular audience of 1.3 million users. lick on the image to see the channel.

Logo Restaurante Saudável da ABPASS
Logo Restaurante Saudável da ABPASS

Healthy Restaurant

Video channel of the Healthy Restaurant project, from the Brazilian Association for the Promotion of Healthy Eating. The objective of this channel was to disseminate the concept of evaluating restaurants in relation to their culinary practices, aiming to promote the concept of healthy eating outside the home and in companies. Click on the image to see the channel.

Leading countries based on YouTube AudienceLeading countries based on YouTube Audience